The PBC kicks off its Hall of Fame festivities January 21, 2023 with the annual Legends Classic at Moon High School. This years event features some great match ups to kick off the Hall of Fame season! 4 great boys and 1 girls games are scheduled for the event!
Please come out and support a great event! The schedule is as follows:
January 21, 2023-Legends Classic at Moon
11:30 AM Moon(LIGHT)- vs Mars(DARK) GIRLS
1:00 PM Northgate (LIGHT)-vs Riverview (DARK) BOYS
2:30 PM Quaker Valley (Dark) vs Canon Mac (Light) BOYS
4:00 PM Hampton(DARK) –Bethel (LIGHT)-BOYS
5:30 PM Montour-(DARK) Moon (LIGHT)—Boys
Look forward to seeing everyone for a GREAT day of basketball! Tickets are $10.oo for adults and $5.00 for students